Saturday, August 19, 2023

Phones can end your love

According to a study conducted by Brandon McDaniel, who studied phones and relationships at Illinois State University, “found that when technology devices frequently interrupted partners, couples had more conflict over technology use, lower relationship satisfaction, more depressive symptoms and lower life satisfaction” ². In addition, Suzie Pileggi Pawelski, co-author of HAPPY TOGETHER: Using the Science of Positive Psychology to Build Love That Lasts, states that "Cell phones can be damaging to a relationship if our partner is prioritizing them over us. It communicates that we aren't important enough to our loved one to warrant their attention. We don't feel acknowledged and appreciated," ¹. It is important to prioritize your partner over your phone. If you find yourself constantly checking your phone while spending time with your partner, it may be time to take a break from technology and focus on building a stronger relationship. Source: Conversation with Bing, 9/17/2023 (1) Is Your Smartphone Ruining Your Relationship? - PsychAlive. (2) How Your Smartphone Can Ruin Your Relationship - (3) Is Your Smartphone Ruining Your Relationship? - PsychAlive. (4) How Cell Phones Can Be Ruining Your Relationships - (5) How Your Cell Phone Hurts Your Relationships - Scientific American.

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